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Montclair Bulldogs



Frequently asked questions


1. Where does my registration fee goes towards?

 is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers, from Coaches to Board Members. Montclair Recreation incurs expenses for maintaining football equipment such as helmets, pads, entire game uniforms, practice pants, practice jerseys etc. Damaged or worn out equipment must be replaced every year, and helmets must be certified each year for the safety of the players. Other expenses include the field maintenance, storage facilities, field lights, insurance, game officials, North Jersey Conference fees, CPR training for coaches, coaching clinics, basic picture packets, and year-end trophies for football players and cheerleaders, just to name of few. You may be asked to participate in individual team fundraising which would go directly to your child’s team fund.

2. What equipment is issued by MPW and what do I need to purchase on my own?

MPW issues each player the following items which are the property of MPW and will need to be returned at the end of the season: a certified helmet (conducted each year by the helmet manufacturer), shoulder pads, thigh, knee, tailbone, and hip pads, practice pants, game pants, (2) Game Jerseys and (1) practice jersey.. You will need to purchase the following: cleats (no metal), jock strap, any extra or special mouthpieces, and socks.

3. How will my child be placed on a team?

There are National and  MPW rules about the placement of players on teams. At registration, each player receives a priority number (first come, first serve). All registered players who are not on a wait list are eligible for a roster spot in their division (players on a wait list will be notified prior to the evaluation date). All players invited to the evaluations will be assigned a roster spot according to a draft by the coaches; no one is cut from a team based on the evaluation. The evaluations are intended to place an eligible player on an appropriate team. All players will be placed in the lowest Division possible, based on their age and weight. This will be done at the discretion of the Bulldogs Board for the safety of our players and to keep our teams competitive in the North Jersey Conference. . Assignments to teams are final after team certification which takes place in August and involves player weigh-in and confirmation of player age and academic eligibility.

4. Who will be my players coach?

Coaches are all volunteers!! Head Coaches are required to interview before the Bulldog Executive Board and after they have been selected, they will contact their players for a pre-season team meeting. At these meetings coaches will introduce their coaching staff and provide their players families with up-to-date information for the coming season and practice locations and times. If you are interested in a coaching position, either as a Head Coach or an Assistant Coach, please contact our President/Football Commishoner Garland Thornton [email protected]  NOTE: For the safety of all of our children in the Pop Warner program, it is a National Rule to have a Sexual Offenders Report and a Criminal Background Check conducted on every volunteer that will have contact with our children. This includes Board Members, Coaches, Team Parents, Business Manages, etc. You can download a Volunteer Application Form from our website.

Note: Keep in mind that while a winning record is nice to have, team records do not play a part in the Head Coach selection process.

7. How much will my child play?

Decisions about playing time and positions are made by the Coaches of the team and are the final responsibility of the Head Coach. Pop Warner guarantees that players who attend all practices in a week will play at least 8 to 12 plays in a game; depending on the number of eligible players (most games include 40-60 plays). Pop Warner has a "minimum play rule", also known as MPR, and it is strictly adhered to for each and every game. Coaches will make playing time and position decisions based on hard work, skill, performance in practice, experience and safety. Keep in mind that all teams want to win games, and no coach wants to put a player in an unfair situation where he has little chance of succeeding. First year players may expect less playing time than returning players, until they learn more skills and gain confidence.

8. Why do I have to submit a school report card?

A player must submit proof that he is academically fit to participate according to National Pop Warner. This requires a GPA of 2.0 (70%) and above. National Pop Warner Little Scholars recognize all players that have maintained a 96% GPA and above for the entire year prior and are in 5th grader or above. The Little Scholars Rep will contact you if you if your child meets these requirements. MVPW also holds a local Little Scholars night where we recognize all participants with a 90% and above GPA we proudly present them with a little scholars award certificate.

9. How many days a week will my child be required to practice?

During the month of August prior to the beginning of school, your child will practice five days a week (Monday-Friday) in the early evening. It is mandatory that your child attend all conditioning practices during this period of time. The first week of practice is devoted entirely to conditioning with the players wearing no pads. Attendance is taken at these practices to insure every player completes 10 hours of conditioning prior to putting on pads. Once school starts, practices will be three days per week, plus one game each Sunday. (some games subjected to Saturdays) When schedules and locations are set, they will be given to your Head Coach.

10. How long is the season?

The Bulldog season officially begins on August 1ST and will continue through the end of November and possibly through the middle of December, if your child’s team enters Regional and/or National championships. Though the season begins August 1, please be aware that there are some dates that are important for the player to be present, such as Equipment Issue and Team Meetings prior to August.

11. Will my child be required to travel to other fields to play?

Yes. North Jersey teams Essex, Union and Bergen counties.  At the time of registration, the game schedule and locations has not yet been determined. The location of the fields where games will be played is listed on our website ( ) with links to maps and driving directions. The schedule is made through North Jersey Conference, not the Bulldogs Organization, and these are the only official games to be played.

12. Is it possible that my child will participate in tournaments or championship games out of the North Jersey Area?

Yes, there is that possibility. The Regional Championship games will be hosted by Eastern Region Pop Warner, our parent association, but the National Championship games are always held in Orlando, Florida at the Walt Disney World facilities. If a team wins at Regionals and looks like they will advance to Florida, additional fundraising will occur to help offset travel expenses. Please be aware that some “upfront” fees are required and must be paid before traveling to National competitions. All travel and hotel expenses are the responsibility of each individual player and family. Other possiable areas are Phila,PA, Delaware, DC, NY.These options will be discussed with the Head Coach of each team.

13. What if my child has non-Bulldog activities scheduled during practices and/or games?

Please do not schedule non-Bullodgs activities during practice and game times. Football requires a serious commitment. Coaches enforce strict practice rules in preparing for games and there will be consequences for missed practices and/or games. Remember, August is the month of conditioning, learning, and teaching skills needed during the season and it is necessary for your child to participate. Please plan family vacations now to eliminate any conflicts.

We hope that by reviewing the above “Frequently Asked Questions” you have gained a better understanding of Montclair pop Warner!

If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,

Bulldog Board of Directors

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